Monday, April 26, 2010

A Few Updates

Pup update: We gave Mama and the pups up last weekend. Another Zeus' Place employee took them in, which is probably better for the mama anyway, since her house is quieter. Mama was getting to be a bit much with all her whining (read: screaming!) and bullying our Ruby. Also, Ruby took it upon herself to become second mom to the pups (I can see it now: a children's book- Puppies Have Two Mommies). Unfortunately, this involved a lot of obsessive licking. Also, this last week was the week before Nick took Step One of the Boards. Our house has been much quieter and more peaceful since the pups and Mama have left, but I'd love to see how the pups are doing. They got so big in the two weeks we had them!

I've had some time to knit, so I knitted up a hat that is similar to the base of the devil horns/kitty ears hat from Stitch 'N Bitch. I plan on knitting up some fingerless mittens to go with, and decorating with something pretty. I used Lamb's Pride Worsted in Brite Blue, and I think some purple or green embellishments are in order at some point (when I get the motivation). Here's a look for now (our beer growler was so happy to pose with such fine stitchery).

I also knitted up yet another set of baby booties and a hat for a friend whose boyfriend's sister had a baby. I had to do them in a short amount of time, including yarn purchasing, so I was limited to Michael's. I found some 100% mercerized cotton, and decided to try that. It's a different look than what I've used before, but I like it. I guess they'll be good in summer.
I have embarked on a new project, but I'm not quite ready to post anything yet. Soon!

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