Friday, February 26, 2010


Finished these last weekend.

The yarn is Cascade 220, which I found in my stash. Not sure which city/state I bought it in, but it was no doubt purchased at a LYS where everything looked beautiful, but I had no project in mind, so I picked something potentially useful and not too expensive. I'm trying to get away from that lame approach.
I used size 4 needles instead of 6s, although I don't think my hands are particularly small. Looks like I might have knitted a little more tightly on the second one. That, or Nick stretched the first one out with his enormous palms.
Here's one on my hand (please excuse the gratuitous ring shot).

These were pretty simple to make, and I like the way the thumb is done through increases (which I did in sort of a sloppy manner until I figured it out better). The pattern is super flexible, and I think I'll make them shorter next time. It's nice that they're so simple, and I could add embellishments if I wanted (buttons, maybe a cable or two).
I know it's been much colder in most parts of the country, but I've still worn these on almost a daily basis here in NOLA. They work well for walks to work, tying kids' shoelaces on the play yard, and wiping all those nasty winter noses. Ah, the life of a preschool (read:daycare) teacher.

1 comment:

  1. These would be super handy for bikers in Boston. Check out

    It's a site in NY but they write about cool and inventive products all over the world. And you made these gloves? Ya get crackin, you will have your own business in no time?
